Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where's the Outrage? Ban These Instruments of Death Now!

Almost every day you hear of another life lost, yet these instruments of death continue to proliferate.  Day after day the numbers of licenses increase for individuals to own one.

Where is the voice of reason calling for us to ban once and for all these weapons of death?  You won’t hear it from me, or even the liberals among us.  The current statistic in Tennessee, as posted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation on their digital message boards is 622 roadway fatalities this year alone. So what does this number tell us?

It tells us that we are okay with people dying for the sake of convenience.  The liberal left will tell us that we must ban all guns because guns kill innocent people.  Automobiles kill far more people in this country than guns year after year, yet they are silent on banning automobiles.

So, if tragic deaths (automobile accidents) are not offensive, then you have to ask yourself why the outcry to ban guns?  Our founding fathers realized the importance of a well armed public that could defend themselves against the usurpation of our liberty by a tyrannical government bent on stripping away our freedom.

When our military personnel are sworn into service, they vow not to answer to a president, or to congress.  Their oath states that they promise to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. 

We are a nation of free individuals partly because we have the right to carry guns.  Guns don’t kill people any more than cars kill people.

This blog is the personal opinion of the writer and is published as editorial comment.